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How To Divorce Amicably - And How Does That Relate To My Career?

Writer: KirstyanneFergusonauthorKirstyanneFergusonauthor

Two things I am rather familiar with – Champers and Divorce. How To Divorce Amicably, Is the name of my latest podcast interview with the de-lovely Champaign Divorce Party.

You might be thinking, how does that have anything to do with being an Interview and Careers Expert… so let me tell you.

Everything is about relationships and the skills you use to traverse and transcend this life hiccup says as whole heap about what your next employer will get – and if the words tenacity, resilience, empathy, personal growth and change management come to mind – you are right on the money.

I am currently picking up and packing up the pieces of my world as we drift to the end of 2021. I acknowledge that the pandemic has taken its toll on every aspect of my life.

My business, my health and my relationships have been reimagined during this time and not without struggle.

I am a person who rises to challenges, who powers though or as my Aunt suggested in her ‘family update’ email, I am a Warrior. I don’t feel much like a Warrior. I feel depleted as I pack up my dream home and finalise my marriage. But who is not, in this strange and evolving time.

Depleted but importantly, not discouraged.

Moment to moment those feelings change, excited by the uncertainty and discovery of my third act – solo, saddened as I watch the ocean frothing and bubbling from my living room for the final few times. Some folks won’t come with, but those who do are your ex-relationship lifers…. Yep, you are stuck with me now people – you know who you are!

Life is change and how I frame each change, large or small is crucial to how I frame and feel about myself and how I support you when you seek me out following redundancy, career change or progression.

I bring all of me, just as you do, to the thing that sustains our ability to achieve in life, what we wish – our careers.

As I chatted with Gillian and Carolyn at Champagne Cartel it could have turned into a half day seminar, but alas as with all good things.

This is not my first rodeo, so this time around, I got a little somethin somethin to say about coming out of the big ‘D’ with a little swag, a lot of hustle and a new pack who get it.

As I attempt to stay my course and focus on what I can do, not on what I can’t, it is my hope that sharing my version of divorce party will give you, my fellow transitioners, a little of the hustle I hold in reserve.

If you are unsure how your life experience, attitudes and everyday skills can benefit your career, then this little book will help:

By me.


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