Talking about what makes you 'you', having the confidence to be the leader of any aspect of your life or to head into a job interview and smash it out are things I relish.
They all lead to taking that crucial first step in pursing a purpose. My purpose, I hoped you would ask... is to bring that energy and the tools to make it happen, to you and your audience. You might have to reign me in but better that than getting blood out of a stone I say. I can't promise not to sing or tap dance, even though I can't do either with any finesse, but the mood may take me!
- Key Note Speaker
- Panelist
- Co-host and host of interesting interviews
- Workshops
- Book talks
Favourite topics to chat and tap dance about:
women | equality | careers | purpose | finding super powers | managing life hiccups | relationships | getting started | aviation | youth employment
For a more information or and price guide please email me using the link below.
Some stuff does not cost anything but time: I love to support events that are supporting our community so if you think I could add value to your community initiative, get in touch. While attending everything is beyond even my super powers, if I can, I do - so ask.
Thanks for submitting!